Heavenly Revenges Kascaro
Everyone please meet Heavenly Revenges Kascaro "Bella". This extremely sweet girl came to us from the Czech Republic 1.5 years ago!! She is an absolute doll. We adore this girl. She is one of our alpha females-meaning besides us she is one of the bosses around here. She helps teach the young ones and correct them when need be! Bella does have a tail which means she can't be shown here in the USA. Even still we think she is a great addition to our program. She has an outstanding pedigree, temperament and structure.
OFA results:
Hips: Excellent
Elbows: Normal
Patellas: Normal
Cardiac: Normal
CAER ( eyes): Normal
Chic certified
Genetic Panel through Paw Print Genetics:
Chondrodystrophy with Intervertebral Disc Disease
Risk Factor (CDDY with IVDD)
CFA12 FGF4 WT/WT Normal (Clear) - No CDDY
or Increased IVDD Risk
Collie Eye Anomaly NHEJ1 WT/WT Normal (clear)
Degenerative Myelopathy SOD1 WT/WT Normal (clear)
Hereditary Cataracts (Australian Shepherd Type) HSF4 WT/WT Normal (clear)
Hyperuricosuria SLC2A9 WT/WT Normal (clear)
Intestinal Cobalamin Malabsorption (Australian
Shepherd Type)
AMN WT/WT Normal (clear)
Intestinal Cobalamin Malabsorption (Border Collie
CUBN WT/WT Normal (clear)
Multidrug Resistance 1 ABCB1 WT/M Carrier (At-Risk)
Multifocal Retinopathy 1 BEST1 WT/WT Normal (clear)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone
PRCD WT/WT Normal (clear)
B Locus (Brown) TYRP1 B/b Black coat, nose and foot pads (carries one
copy of brown)
Chondrodysplasia (CDPA) CFA18 FGF4 cd/cd No Leg Shortening Associated with CDPA
D Locus (Dilute) MLPH D/D Non-dilute (does not carry dilute)
M Locus (Merle) PMEL mos m/M *See detailed interpretation
S Locus (White Spotting, Parti, or
MITF S/S No white spotting, flash, parti, or piebald
T Locus (Natural Bobtail) T t/t
We will be doing an updated photo shoot of this beautiful girl soon but for now here are some photos of her over the years.